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MAQUILAPOLIS [city of factories] COMMUNITY OUTREACH CAMPAIGN The Community Outreach Campaign for MAQUILAPOLIS is a strategic binational campaign, designed and implemented collaboratively with stakeholder organizations in the U.S. and Mexico. The campaign utilizes a high-profile public television broadcast, top tier film festivals and community screenings of the film to create meaningful social change around the issues of globalization, social and environmental justice and fair trade. Our outreach team includes dedicated activists on both sides of the border, mediamakers commited to social change, and most importantly a group of women factory workers struggling to bring about positive change in their world. Our core Outreach Partners are: Chilpancingo Collective for Environmental Justice; Environmental Health Coalition; Global Exchange; Maquiladora Health and Safety Support Network; San Diego Maquiladora Workers Support Network; SweatFree Communities; Women’s Edge Coalition; Women’s Rights Advocates; and the Worker’s Information Center (CITTAC). Other organizations have also partnered with us to organize and promote community and activist events, including the Sierra Club, Comité Fronterizo de Obreras (CFO/Border Workers’ Committee), Students Against Sweatshops, among many others.
CAMPAIGN PARTNERSFollowing is a complete list of the organizational Outreach Partners on the MAQUILAPOLIS Community Outreach Campaign. These are the groups with which the filmmakers have designed and are implementing the campaign. If you’re interested in what these organizations are doing to bring about progressive change, please contact them and get involved. 1. CITTAC, Centro de Información para Trabajadoras y Trabajadores, A.C. (Workers’ Information Center) 2. Colectivo Chilpancingo Pro Justicia Ambiental (Chilpancingo Collective for Environmental Justice) We are a group of compañeras/os who work together for environmental justice and to protect the health of our community. We work to raise consciousness among our neighbors and we demand of the Mexican and U.S. government authorities that they protect the health and the environment in our community and for all communities nearby the maquiladoras. 3. Environmental Health Coalition 401 Mile of Cars Way, Suite 310, National City, CA 91950 Environmental Health Coalition is a 25-year-old social and environmental justice non-profit organization with offices in San Diego and Tijuana. EHC organizes and advocates to protect public health and the environment threatened by toxic pollution. EHC works with low-income communities and communities of color on both sides of the border. 4. Global Exchange. San Francisco, CA Global Exchange is a membership based international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice around the world. We do this by sending US people on Reality Tours, hosting and supporting speaking events, providing alternatives and organizing local and international campaigns.
5. Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network P.O. Box 124, Berkeley, CA 94701-0124 Maquiladora Health & Safety Network is a volunteer network of occupational health and safety professionals who provide information, technical assistance and on-site instruction regarding workplace hazards in the 3,000 "maquiladora" (foreign-owned assembly) plants along the U.S.-Mexico border. Our goal is to build the capacity of workers and their organizations to understand occupational health and safety issues and to be able to speak and act in their own name to protect their health and to exercise their rights. 6. Promotoras por los Derechos de las Mujeres (Women’s Rights Advocates) 7. San Diego Maquiladora Workers Solidarity Network (SDMWSN) t:(619)216-0095
8. SweatFree Communities SweatFree Communities supports and coordinates local campaigns for public and religious institutions to adopt "sweatfree" procurement policies that end public support for sweatshops and generate significant market demand for products made in humane conditions by workers who are paid living wages. Sweatfree campaigns succeed because they advance a positive agenda for worker justice and dignity and because they allow activists to organize for worker justice in their own communities where they know the political landscape and have direct access to decision makers. 9. Women Thrive Worldwide (formerly Women's Edge Coalition) 1825 Connecticut Avenue NW, suite 800, Washington DC 20009 Women Thrive Worldwide is an advocacy coalition, based in Washington DC, that works to mold U.S. policy in the areas of international assistance and trade, to make them more responsive to the needs of poor women. Their targets for education and advocacy are the Congress and some of the executive branch entities (the U.S. Trade Representative’s office, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, U.S. A.I.D., etc.). They consult closely with women’s organizations around the world to develop and shape proposals to reflect their needs and views. Members of the Women Thrive Worldwide include CARE, Bread for the World, Christian Children’s Fund, the Hunger Project, InterAction Commission on the Advancement of Women, Lutheran World Relief, Soroptimist International of the Americas, United Methodist Women and many other national groups, as well as some local groups.